A couple good knights.

I’ve just added a new pack to the store. Fantastical Knights This pack is drawn and colored by none other than Steve Prescott and good friend and an exceptional artist. Steve helped out when I was asked to make all of the Norse gods and the Knights from the same Patron. (Lee is a great […]

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It’s Already April

It seems I only manage to post about every three to four months. It will also become apparent that the nature of my posts are almost always the same as well. First things first. Thank you very much to everyone who continues to support my work. I appreciate every single person who shows up, even […]

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Happy New Year: 2017

I’m sick. Nothing too serious, just a sinus infection that won’t go away. After two weeks of medicine it is still holding on a slowing me down. I know when I’m sick when I sit in front of the computer for hours and don’t accomplish anything. There are days when I get caught up in […]

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September Doings

Hey everybody. I was super busy for the past two months. Token work is steady but what really soaked up almost all my time was preparing for my wife’s 40th birthday. I wanted to do something special for her and she has wanted to do an Escape Room with the girls for close to a […]

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