It’s Already April

It seems I only manage to post about every three to four months. It will also become apparent that the nature of my posts are almost always the same as well.

First things first. Thank you very much to everyone who continues to support my work. I appreciate every single person who shows up, even if it’s just to pick up the free packs. I have some amazing patrons who not only by the finished packs but repeatedly come back for new commissioned works. Thank you.

That leads to my current workload. I swear I was down to just one week of work a week ago. Now I am back to being booked for the next two months. I’m not complaining mind you. It’s a good problem to have being busy. I hope to be able to reveal a new project that I’ve just started on. It’s going to be awesome.

All that work has lead to new packs. I recently added a new Fantasy Buff 2. It contains another 800+ tokens of my more recent fantasy tokens.

Lastly, I’ve given the site a new look. I hope everything works a bit better. If you notice anything missing please let me know.

Thanks again to all my patrons and friends who help me do the thing I love to do.

2 Replies to “It’s Already April”

  1. James M. says:

    Thanks as always for the hard work, looking forward to your new project!

    Can I ask what token pack that Bullywug is from?

    1. devinnight says:

      I just made these and I don’t have a whole lot to make a pack out of yet. Send me an email:

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