Happy New Year!

As one of my followers pointed out it’s been a while since I posted.Ā December was full of good times with friends and family. I didn’t get as much work done as I should have but I did get to spend a bit more time gaming over the holidays break.

By my rough estimate I made over 300 tokens in 2013. Many of those have made it into the store. However there is a large chunk of work that I haven’t had time to put into packs yet. So next week i will probably give myself Monday to work on that. Look for new additions here next week. Also of note is an entire pack of Rise of the Runelords tokens. I have talked to Paizo and they are not ok with me selling them. Which is totally understandable. I would like to thank the two guys who commissioned the work. Between the two of them they covered the cost of the creation of over 20 iconic tokens. The tokens are some of my best work and because I can’t sell them I will be giving them away in my store.

I’m currently working on some Cowboy/Steampunk/monster tokens. Should be a whole set 20+ tokens that could work any many types of games. More soldiers, I have American and NVA soldiers from the Vietnam era done and will be expanding on that line of tokens soon.

I’m also working on a large number of illustrations for a viking card game.

As always, thanks for stopping by.

JS_dwarf_king2 JS_Human_Demon_Warrior JS_Human_Evil_Mage Warrior

One Reply to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Midhir says:

    Can’t wait for the new Rise of the Runelords tokens. I started running that campaign in Fantasy Grounds and the tokens will be a nice touch.

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