The Argosy

Well September is well on it’s way. I have a slew of new tokens to make and I have been getting quite a few great ideas on new token packs.

I was also asked to make a map based on a DarkSun moving castle. Charlie provided some material to get me started and I started work on the map. The first thing I had to make to understand how this would be laid out was to sketch up an isometric view of it. The project was a lot of fun and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Here are some images from the project.

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5 Replies to “The Argosy”

  1. Charlie says:

    Allow me to be the first to say that James is selling himself short here. He did a *spectacular* job on this project. He corresponded with me, and made sure I was getting what I wanted — sometimes without me knowing what I wanted. The final product is one that I can edit and change easily, and for a little extra, he included the isometric view, which I am proud to print at poster size and frame next to my Gale Force 9 map of Tyr. You cannot go wrong getting James to do artwork for you. I am very satisfied, and my players will be amazed.

  2. Chadwick says:


    I am attempting to purchase tokens, and every time I go to the cart, the items disappear from it? Can you provide some assistance with getting my order processed?


    1. devinnight says:

      Hey Chadwick, I just ran an update on the checkout system. I don’t know if that will fix it but it is possible. If it doesn’t maybe try another browser.
      If it still isn’t working please contact me at
      I’m heading to bed, but I will check this first thing in the morning.
      Sorry for the troubles.

  3. Gabriel Demetrio says:

    Congratulations Devi, how can I buy this material from Dark Sun to use with Roll20? Thank you!

    1. devinnight says:

      Hey, send me an email:
      I can tell you what I have and give you a price.

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