Hey Everybody,
It’s been a while since I posted. Don’t worry It’s just that I’ve been busy. I took a week off for a nice vacation with the family to Florida. Had a great time and the sun was a welcome change from the weather up here.
While I was gone several jobs cropped up and those have left me scrambling to get back on track. I did manage to wrap up the final token for the first Wild West token pack which I will release next week. In the que are several fantasy tokens, though not enough monsters, I need more monster commissions to make more monster packs. Also I have a large Steampunk commission thanks to Josh and those will be done by the end of the month. Lastly I have the Shadowrun set about half finished, it’s a pack based on Drones and the Riggers that use them courtesy of Jared.
I’ve added a bit of my work to a Kickstarter from Kevin Chenevert if you get a chance check it out, but do it soon, it ends in 4 days.
Hopefully in the next update I can show you some Viking art and a new logo I’ve made for Dreamscarred Press. I’ve also started work on a new simple website for Immortalnights.com
Thanks for stopping by.
I have an 1879 Sitting Bull / American Cowboy token any idea of its worth can not find anything about it. Thank You
I have no idea. I only deal in virtual tokens. Sorry.