Vehicles and Ships

A while back in May or June Jonathan Roberts an amazing cartographer and great guy asked if I could help him finish a set of vehicles and other assorted things for a job he had taken on for Profantasy. I accepted and ended up making quite a few vehicles, some textures and some objects. I hadn’t had a chance to post them til now.
This week I’m finishing up a series of ship maps for EnWorld Publishing. This set contains 13 ships used in their Admiral o’ the High Seas – Naval Adventures project. The ships come in an at a glance view, battle map sized maps and as tokens for moving around a game board. This was a large project that has put me about a week behind in my other projects, so if you have been waiting for a custom token I should be getting to those soon.

Lastly I’m in the process of finalizing my kickstarter which will launch on the first. It still has a few tweaks to be made. Thanks for looking.


2 Replies to “Vehicles and Ships”

  1. Konrad Jaschke says:

    Are the vehicles going to be available for purchase. They look great. Steve Jackson Games is going to be reviving Car Wars and they would be great for it.

    1. devinnight says:

      These were made for Profantasy, so I don’t think I can release them. I need to check with them to see what the terms were. However I can make more and alternative versions. Ones with battle damage and rams, and machine guns would be pretty sweet.

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